An air conditioning unit can breakdown at any time if you don’t pay attention to some warning signs. Read this blog to find out what you should look for and call an air conditioning repair service (like us!)

When it’s very hot or cold outside, what is the first thing you will think of? Oh magnificent air conditioning! Yes, air conditioners are vital for keeping your home just at the right temperature and comfortable. And yes, if you are wondering, air conditioning systems are great for both cold or heat - perfect to control heating and cooling in one single system and also cost efficient, helping to lower energy bills! Anyway, we understand that the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to fail as when an air conditioner is broken, it can be a source of frustration and discomfort.
However, without regular maintenance and repairs, that’s exactly what might happen!
There are some signs that your air conditioner may show and tell you that needs to be reviewed and possibly repaired by a certified and qualified air conditioning company (like us!) so have a read through the 5 most common ones in this blog post:
Strange Noises: One of the first signs that an air conditioner is in need of repair are strange noises. Weird noises from your air conditioner, such as grinding, buzzing or squealing, indicate that something is wrong and because this could be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from loose parts to a faulty motor. Escalating to a professional technician for air conditioner repair is very important so that the problem can be diagnosed and quickly repaired!
Low Airflow: If your air conditioner is not blowing cool air, it could be a sign of restricted and low airflow. This can be caused mainly by clogged air filters, a dirty or blocked condenser coil or something like a refrigerant leak and it’s important to call a repair technician as soon as possible! Other less common causes can be a malfunctioning compressor and impaired circulation of the refrigerant through the AC unit with damaged, blocked or leaks in the duct system (you wouldn’t imagine the amount of rodents we have found in roofs!) or even an incorrectly sized AC unit as if the AC unit is too small for the space, then it may not produce enough airflow.
Poor Temperature Control: If your air conditioner is not keeping your home at the desired temperature, this could mean a problem with the temperature control. Two of the main are a faulty thermostat causing poor control of the temperature of the AC unit itself or a refrigerant leak which causes lack of absorbing heat from the air as it passes through the system. If you notice that your air conditioner is not evenly cooling or heating your home, it's definitely time to call a specialist in the business.
High Energy Bills: If you are noticing an increase in energy bills, this could be an indirect sign that your air conditioner is not running efficiently! An old or a malfunctioning inefficient air conditioner will use more energy to cool the same space as a newer, resulting in higher energy bills. If you’ve noticed an increase in your energy bills, it’s time to call a repair technician.
Leaks or Odors: If you notice a strange smell coming from your air conditioner such as mold or mildew, burning or electrical smell or even a chemical smell, you need to get that unit inspected by a professional as soon as possible to determine the cause and have it repaired. The same applies if you see water leaking from the unit there could be a cracked drain pan or a refrigerant leak, which is very dangerous because refrigerant is a toxic chemical and can be harmful if inhaled. Call us promptly once you notice this!
The best way to avoid air conditioner repairs is to stay on top of regular maintenance as this will keep your air conditioner running efficiently and will allow you to identify any potential problems before they become too costly to repair. Have a professional technician inspect your air conditioner once or twice a year and if there are any issues to fix, they will explain the repair process and provide you with an estimate of the cost. At Evidiair we try to fix issues straight away in our call out such as replacing the air filter, inspecting the ductwork and even replacing the thermostat but if the type of repair is more complex, we may need to request specific parts for your unit model, so it may a day or so to get it back running efficiently – don’t’ worry you will be informed every step of the way and we can guarantee things will run as fast as possible!
Yes, air conditioner repairs can be a hassle, but they are necessary to keep your air conditioner running efficiently and to prevent bigger problems down the line. If you notice any of the signs mentioned in this blog, it’s important to call a professional technician right away. With Evidiair you can be comfortable all year long with our reliable AC repairs. Contact us today!